The most popular career paths in social work

Social workers are crucial professionals in the community as they are tasked with improving the wellbeing of individuals and society at large. It’s a complicated field, like other similar professions dealing with human behavior. The good news is that it is one of the most diverse fields with numerous available jobs. Social workers with a BSW (Bachelor of Social Work), MSW (Master of Social Work), and doctorate degrees have the most popular range of career options.

What is the role of a social worker?

A social worker’s education level and industry largely impact their role. Their main role focuses on helping people face various life challenges. It might be a mental, emotional, behavioral, or even environmental challenge. Social workers come in to help individuals, families, and groups in the community with mental health counseling. They assess the situation, find the problem, and offer solutions to their clients. 

Social work is also about advocacy for an equitable and just world. You get to be in a position to fight for your clients and work to prevent child abuse, eradicate mental health stigma, fight for equal pay for the differently abled, and so much more. 

How to become a social worker

Are you wondering if a career in social work is right for you? If so, ask yourself the following questions: 


  • Are you passionate about justice and equity?
  • Do you love helping people, and are you genuinely concerned about their general wellbeing?
  • Do you have excellent communication skills?
  • How is your emotional fortitude? Are you resilient enough to deal with lots of emotions?
  • Are you good at handling a lot of paperwork? 

If you answered ‘yes’ to these questions, then a career in social work is right for you. There are various ways to start your social work career. The available degree options equip you for different career outcomes. Here are multiple avenues to pursue your career. 

Associate degree in social work (ASW)

You can get your foot in the door by earning an Associate of Arts degree in social work. The only catch with this degree is that it is not accredited by the Council of Social Work Education (CSWE). However, it prepares you to get an entry-level job in social service agencies as well as to enroll in a bachelor’s program. You’ll find these degrees in community colleges, most of which have open admission policies. It’s important to meet an academic advisor for guidance on how to create a course plan. 

Bachelor of Social Work (BSW)

The CSWE accredits a bachelor’s degree in social work. It takes about four years to finish this program, and students are equipped to start their careers as social work practitioners. The admission policies are different depending on the school that you choose to attend. Some requirements include earning a high school diploma or GED, passing standardized tests, past academic performance, volunteer experience, references, communication skills as per personal statements, and other personal values or behaviors. For graduates to start practicing, they must pass an exam by the Association of Social Work Board (ASWB).

Master of Social Work (MSW)

Graduates with BSW degrees or degrees in human services or psychology-related fields can choose to pursue a master’s in social work. For instance, anyone with a BSW in Florida who wants to open more employment opportunities or work in a more specific field can pursue an Advanced MSW program in Florida. There are several factors considered when evaluating applicants. Some of them include academic performance, standardized testing, and work or volunteer experience, among others. MSW programs have unique benefits as they allow graduates to specialize in their chosen field of social work after they get their license.

Career paths in social work

Community outreach worker

Community outreach is one of the best jobs for social workers. A community outreach worker deals with people and needs to have outstanding communication skills. They are the liaison between organizations and the community as they get to communicate and give talks on behalf of the organizations they work for. Sometimes they’re in charge of identifying people who need the organization’s services. People skills, communication, and conversation skills are highly desired. In most cases, they work for NGOs and other non-profit organizations that align with their passion. 

Behavioral management aide

These social workers work with behavioral specialists to modify or help people eliminate harmful behaviors. It might be throwing tantrums, hitting others, or any other thing that causes bodily or emotional harm. They normally observe the clients, identify the behavior trigger, and work together with behavior specialists to find healthy coping mechanisms or alternative behaviors. Behavioral management aides usually work in schools or mental health institutions, and they often work with children, though some also work with adults. 

Case management aide

Some social workers love helping others in the background with no spotlight on them. Case management aides often work as assistants to social workers as they have excellent organizational skills needed to handle a lot of paperwork. They can take part in initial client meetings, letting them know the process and keeping them at ease before the social worker talks with them. However, most of their work is done behind the scenes. Social workers with BSW degrees can work as case management aides. 

Eligibility worker

So many people need help with housing, financing, and other basic needs. However, most people don’t know how and where to get assistance. They don’t even know if they are eligible for assistance. This is where eligibility workers come in. Often, they work for the government at the state and federal levels. Their job entails working with citizens in need of government help, whether it’s with housing, finances, etc. They are tasked with explaining different programs offered to clients, determining their eligibility, and reaching out to those eligible for the programs. Eligibility workers must be knowledgeable about government programs and eligibility criteria and show compassion to people. 

Human service specialist

Their job description is almost similar to eligibility workers as they ensure that clients understand the specific services they qualify for. They’re responsible for walking clients through the application processes for the programs and ensuring that their needs are met. They often work with programs such as child welfare, disability pay, SNAP, and others. A human service specialist answers clients’ questions and provides guidance for these programs. They may work in a state agency, NGO, or residential care facility, among others. 

Probation officer

The criminal justice system also has jobs for social workers. Some offenders are put on probation for a period of time instead of going to prison, and they are expected to meet the conditions of their probation to avoid jail time. Others are released from prison on parole, and they’re required to keep the terms and conditions of their parole. This is where probation and parole officers come in. They are tasked to ensure that the offenders don’t violate the conditions set by the courts. They supervise, offer guidance to offenders, and act as a liaison between them and the courts, ensuring that all conditions are fulfilled. Probation officers need to have outstanding people skills and organizational skills. 

Rehabilitation case worker

It takes a lot for disabled people to get back to work after a long period of unemployment. Rehabilitation case workers get to access their limitations, abilities, and skills to help them choose a suitable career path. They empower them to regain their sense of individuality and help them gain confidence to forge forward. Whether the disability is mental or physical or is caused by a pre-existing condition or an injury, case workers help people become financially secure and stable. 

Child and family social worker

These social workers advocate and help in cases involving children and their families. Their responsibilities range from keeping tabs on a child’s wellbeing to offering help with adoption or fostering, working with at-risk children, helping with child welfare investigations, reuniting families, and connecting families with necessary services. The job requires some flexibility as it involves a lot of travel. To be a child and family social worker, you need to be good with children and have good people skills and organizational skills. Empathy and emotional fortitude are also required, as the job can get tough. 

You can also be a child welfare worker and work for government agencies. Whenever there is abuse or neglect, a child welfare worker carries out an assessment and sees if the child needs to be removed from the environment. You’ll need to be passionate about child advocacy and have a high-stress tolerance level. 

Counselor and therapist

With an MSW degree, you can be a counselor, helping and coaching people to find a healthy way to cope with mental health issues. You’ll help people to manage stressful situations, mental disorders, career challenges, and other life situations. Counselors meet up with their clients regularly, depending on the severity of the situation, for a short period of time. Therapists, on the other hand, have longer engagements with clients and work on an ongoing basis, not set sessions. Counselors are future focused, while therapists work with clients to help them process their past. 

They both use methods such as talk therapy, commitment therapy, and cognitive behavioral therapy. They can combine different methods or even tailor an approach based on the client’s needs. 

School social worker

Children’s academic performance is often affected by their general wellbeing and their basic needs being met. This is where a school social worker comes in. They advocate for children’s rights. They offer counseling on behavior issues, academic habits, and mental health issues. They talk with students, helping them thrive as individuals and in their academic performance. They work closely with teachers and parents to establish the best course of action for a child and recommend treatment plans outside the school when needed. 

Mental health and substance abuse social worker

Clients with mental health issues, addictions, and trauma seek the help of mental health and substance abuse social workers. In many cases, people deal with more than one problem at a time. For example, trauma might cause people to have depression and anxiety, which might lead them to develop an addiction as a coping mechanism. As a mental health and substance abuse social worker, you must be prepared to deal with different struggles with compassion, empathy, and understanding. 

Social work supervisor

This is a leadership position that entails supervising other social workers. You may oversee social workers beginning their careers or manage teams of staff members. It may take a while to get to this level as you need additional education and field experience. It’s a rewarding position, so the extra work, effort, and time are worth it. 

Licensed Clinical Social Worker

To qualify for this position, you need to have an MSW degree. Licensed Clinical Social Workers often work with counselors to help people navigate trauma, mental health issues, and other challenging life circumstances. You can also help in research or work as a case manager. Licensed Clinical Social Workers treat clients using the social work approach. They help clients focus on their strengths and leverage this to take control of their circumstances. 

The career options under the social work umbrella are wide. With a DSW (Doctorate in Social Work) or Ph.D., you can be a psychologist, professor, executive director in social services organizations, behavior supervisor, and researcher. The more educated you are as a social worker, the more you can specialize in a field. A good career path for one social worker might not work for another as people find fulfillment in different areas. Think about the areas you’re passionate about and venture into a career that allows you to work on your passion.